Properties and Methods


We’ve seen in chapter 1 that we can associate properties with structs and classes. However, this wasn’t the full story, as Swift properties can be more than mere constants or variables.

Stored and Computed

Stored properties are stored as part of their struct or class. We’ve seen them in action in the previous examples:

typealias Species = (number: Int, name: String)

struct Pokemon {
  let species: Species
  var level: Int

The Pokemon struct is declared with two stored properties. One is a constant, the other is a variable.

Computed properties aren’t stored in their struct or class. Instead, they are computed every time they are get or set:

struct Pokemon {
  let species: Species
  var level: Int

  var stepsWalkedWithTrainer: Int
  var kmWalkedWithTrainer: Double {
    get {
      return Double(self.stepsWalkedWithTrainer) * 0.00076

    set {
      self.stepsWalkedWithTrainer = Int(newValue * 1/0.00076)

var bulby = Pokemon(
  species: (001, "Bulbasaur"),
  level: 1,
  stepsWalkedWithTrainer: 600)

// Prints "0.456"
bulby.kmWalkedWithTrainer = 2.1
// Prints "2763"

In the above example, self is a constant that contains the value of the Pokemon instance. This variable is available to the getter and setter because they act like a method, which will discuss further below.

A stored property stepsWalkedWithTrainer has been added, which keeps track of the number of steps a trainer walked with his/her Pokemon. A computed property kmWalkedWithTrainer computes the number of kilometers it represents when accessed, and converts back into steps when set.

Notice that the setter automatically receives an argument newValue. This constant contains the new value to be assigned to the property.

If it shouldn’t be (our wouldn’t make sense to) set, it is possible to omit the get and set keywords to only write the code of the getter:

struct Pokemon {
  /* ... */

  var hasReachedMaxLevel: Bool {
    return self.level == 100

In the above example, a computed property hasReachedMaxLevel returns whether the Pokemon reached is maximum level. The property is read-only, as it wouldn’t make any sense to set it. Indeed, what level value would be appropriate?

While enumerations can’t have stored properties, they can define computed ones:

indirect enum SpeciesType {
  case grass, fire, water
  case dual(primary: SpeciesType, secondary: SpeciesType)

  var isDual: Bool {
    // Unfortunately, Swift doesn't have a syntax to return the result of this condition.
    if case .dual(primary: _, secondary: _) = self {
      return true
    return false

let lotadType = SpeciesType.dual(primary: .water, secondary: .grass)
// Prints "true"

Lazy Properties

Lazy (stored) properties are similar to read-only computed properties, but differ in the fact that they’re computed only once, and only if explicitly accessed after initialization. Hence, they have two use-cases:

  • When its value depends on something that can’t be even after initialization.
  • When computing its value it is expensive.

Lazy properties are not thread safe. If multiple threads access it simultaneously, there’s no mechanism to guarantee that it will be initialized only once.

The following example illustrates the second use-case, with the assumption that the function loadPokedexEntry(of:) actually requires a long and expensive call to an external service.

func loadPokedexEntry(of pokemon: Pokemon) -> String {
    return "Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokemon."

struct Pokemon {
  /* ... */

  lazy var pokedexEntry = {
    print("loading the Pokedex entry ...")
    return loadPokedexEntry(of: self)

var bulby = Pokemon(
  species: (001, "Bulbasaur"),
  level: 1,
  stepsWalkedWithTrainer: 600,
  pokedexEntry: nil)

// Prints "loading the Pokedex entry ..."
// Prints "the Seed Pokemon"
// Prints "the Seed Pokemon"

Notice that another parameter appeared in the memberwise initializer. This is because pokedexEntry is a property, and like all properties it should be initialized. If it hadn’t been initialized with nil, the close associated with the lazy property would never have been called. In the above example, it is called only once, when we first access the pokedexEntry property.

Note that a lazy property can’t be declared a constant. The reason is that constant properties must always have a value before initialization completes. Besides, a lazy property is mutating, meaning that it changes the struct (or class) it is defined in. Indeed, it is able to modify the value it was initialized with. As a result, it is not possible to define a lazy property that returns a closure that captures self in a struct. Even if self isn’t mutated in the closure, the problem resides in how it was captured.

struct Pokemon {
  /* ... */

  lazy var pokedexEntry: () -> String = {
    print("loading the Pokedex entry ...")
    return loadPokedexEntry(of: self)
    // Error: Closure cannot implicitly capture a mutating self parameter

This would be possible if Pokemon was a class, as they are references. Hence, even a constant reference doesn’t prevent from modifying the class properties, as illustrated in Chapter 1. But there would still be a catch! As the closure captures a reference to the instance of the class, the latter would not be freed from memory until the former is. But the closure is reference type as well, and the class instance would also hold a reference to it. This phenomenon is called a strong reference cycle and will be discussed later.

Property Observers

It is possible to add property observers on any (non-lazy) stored property. They are called every time a property’s value is set, even if the new value is the same as the current one. There are two kind of observation events:

  • willSet, which is triggered before a value is stored; and
  • didSet, which is triggered after a value is stored.

A property observer can observe one or both of those events:

enum StatusCondition {
  case burned, frozen, poisoned

struct Pokemon {
  /* ... */

  var statusCondition: StatusCondition? {
    willSet {
      if let newCondition = newValue {
        print("the pokemon is about to be \(newCondition)")

    didSet {
      var message = ""

      if let oldCondition = oldValue {
        message += "the pokemon was \(oldCondition) and "

      if let newCondition = self.statusCondition {
        message += "the pokemon is now \(newCondition)"


var bulby = Pokemon(
  species: (001, "Bulbasaur"),
  level: 1,
  stepsWalkedWithTrainer: 600,
  pokedexEntry: nil,
  statusCondition: nil)

bulby.statusCondition = .burned
// Prints "the pokemon is about to be burned"
// Prints "the pokemon is now burned"
// Prints "burned"

Notice that, like to the property getter we’ve seen earlier, the willSet observer automatically receives an argument newValue. Similarly, the didSet observer receives an argument oldValue, which contains the previous value, before the property was set. The freshly stored value can be accessed as usual with the dot syntax.

When the statusCondition property is set in the above example, the first observer willSet is called. Notice that it receives an argument ``

Note that property observers are not called during initialization, as otherwise an observer may unsafely try to access the property it observers before it is initialized.

Note that it is also possible to define property observers on local or global variables:

var bulby = Pokemon(/* ... */) {
  didSet {
    print("Bulby has changed ...")

bulby.level += 1
// Prints "Bulby has changed ..."

Will the observer be called if Pokemon is a class?

Type Properties

All the properties we’ve seen above have been defined for the instances of a type, meaning that each instance of the type gets its own property values. Swift also allows to define properties on the type itself. There will be only one copy of that properties, no matter how many instances get created. Such kind of properties is often termed static variables in other languages, such as C/C++ or Java.

Type properties are declared with the keyword static:

struct Pokemon {
  /* ... */

  static var strongest: Pokemon? = nil

  var level: Int {
    didSet {
      guard let strongest = Pokemon.strongest else {
        Pokemon.strongest = self

      if strongest.level < self.level {
        Pokemon.strongest = self

var bulby = Pokemon(/* ... */)
bulby.level = 12

// Prints: Pokemon(species: (1, "Bulbasaur"), level: 12, ...)

Why Pokemon.strongest is equal to nil if we don’t change the bulby.level property?

Note that all type properties must have a value. Unlike type instances, types are initialized when the program starts. As a result, they require all their properties to be properly initialized.

It is also possible to define computed type properties, as well as observers:

struct SomeStruct {
  static var computedProperty: Int {
    return 0

  static var observedProperty: Int = 10 {
    didSet {
      print("SomeStruct.observedProperty has changed")

While enumeration instances can’t get stored properties, enumeration types are treated the same way as struct or class types:

enum SomeEnum {
  case someCase

  static var someStoredProperty: Int = 0


A method is a function that is associated with a particular instance of a type. They can be seen as a function (like the ones we’ve seen in Chapter 3) that always captures (by value or reference) the instance it is associated with, and assigns it to a special variable self. Methods have the exact same syntax as functions:

struct Trainer {
  let name: String
  var friends: [Trainer]

  func isFriends(with anotherTrainer: Trainer) -> Bool {
    return self.friends.contains(where: { $ == })

var ash = Trainer(name: "Ash", friends: [])
var brock = Trainer(name: "Brock", friends: [])

print(ash.isFriends(with: brock))
// Prints "true"

It is not mandatory to prepend a type’s own property with self inside a method. Hence, we could have written only friends.contains(...) in the body of isFriend(with:), since friends is a property of Trainer. However, we strongly discourage this practice, because it can lead to ambiguity.

Friendship is usually a commutative relation. In the above example however, setting that Brock is a friend of Ash doesn’t make Ash a friend of Brock. Doing that with a struct can prove challenging. Remembering that structs are value types, a struct’s method (or property getter, setter or observer) isn’t allowed to mutate the struct. That’s because if an instance is declared as a constant, calling this method would lead to a contradiction:

struct Trainer {
    /* ... */

    func makeFriends(with anotherTrainer: Trainer) {
        // Error: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'self' is immutable
        // Error: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'anotherTrainer' is a 'let' constant

In the above example, the compiler error states exactly what we’ve been discussing. In order to mark self as mutable, the keyword mutating should prefix the method declaration. The second error is more familiar, as we’ve encountered it in Chapter 3. It states that since anotherTrainer is a constant, it is not allowed to change one of its property. As a result, it should be marked as an inout parameter:

struct Trainer {
    /* ... */

    mutating func makeFriends(with anotherTrainer: inout Trainer) {

Because classes are reference types, their methods never have to be marked mutating. Even if the reference is a constant, the variables of the references instance can be mutated.

class Trainer {
  /* ... */

  func makeFriends(with anotherTrainer: Trainer) {

Behind the scenes, a mutating method is actually a method that returns the instance’s type. When called, Swift assign the variable to which the instance is assigned to the result of the method. This allows for an arguably clearer programming style, while preserving the value semantics. Incidentally, it is possible to assign self to a complete new instance in a mutating struct method:

struct Pokemon {
    let species: Species
    var level: Int

    mutating func evolve() {
        self = Pokemon(species: (002, "Ivysaur"), level: self.level)

var bulby = Pokemon(species: (001, "Bulbasaur"), level: 16)
// Prints "Pokemon(species: (2, "Ivysaur"), level: 16)"

Had evolve() been a non-mutating method that returns a new instance of Pokemon, the above code would be equivalent to:

struct Pokemon {
    let species: Species
    var level: Int

    func evolve() -> Pokemon {
        return Pokemon(species: (002, "Ivysaur"), level: self.level)

var bulby = Pokemon(species: (001, "Bulbasaur"), level: 16)
bulby = bulby.evolve()
// Prints "Pokemon(species: (2, "Ivysaur"), level: 16)"

Enumeration can also declare methods:

indirect enum SpeciesType {
  case grass, fire, water
  case dual(primary: SpeciesType, secondary: SpeciesType)

  func combine(with anotherType: SpeciesType) -> SpeciesType {
    return .dual(primary: self, secondary: anotherType)

var lotadType = SpeciesType.water.combine(with: .grass)

Like functions, methods can be defined with default arguments and/or be overloaded:

struct Pokemon {
  let species: Species
  var level: Int

  mutating func levelUp(by levels: Int = 1) {
    self.level += levels

Finally, similarly as type properties, Swift allows to define type methods on structs, classes and enumerations. They are defined with the keyword static:

struct Pokemon {
  /* ... */

  static func createFromSpecies(_ species: Species) -> Pokemon {
    return Pokemon(species: species, level: 1)

let bulby = Pokemon.createFromSpecies((001, "Bulbasaur"))


We’ve already used subscripts with arrays and dictionaries, to get an indexed value:

let letters = ["A", "s", "h"]
// Prints "h"

Custom subscripts can be defined on structs, classes and enumerations. For instance, here is a (rather poor) alternative implementation of a dictionary of Int: String:

struct InefficientDictionary {
    var storage: [(Int, String)]

    subscript(key: Int) -> String? {
        get {
            if let (_, value) = { k, _ in k == key}) {
                return value
            return nil

        set {
            if let index = { k, _ in k == key }) {
                if let value = newValue {
          [index].1 = value
                } else {
            } else {
                if let value = newValue {
          , value))

var pokedex = InefficientDictionary(storage: [])
pokedex[001] = "Bulbasaur"
// Prints "Bulbasaur"

Similarly to computed properties, the get keyword can be dropped if the subscript should only be used to read a value.

Most of the time, subscripts accept only one argument. But several can be defined as well. For instance, it is a common practice to represent a matrix n × m as a 1-dimensional array:

struct Matrix {
  var grid: [Int]

  subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> Int {
    return self.grid[row * column + column]

let matrix = Matrix(grid: [0, 1, 2, 3])
print(matrix[1, 1])
// Prints "3"