Protocols, Extensions and Generics


Protocols represent a set of requirements that a type accepts to conform to. Although some major differences can be observed, they can be assimilated to what other languages (like Java) call interfaces.

Protocol Requirements

A protocol is declared with the keyword protocol:

protocol Technique {
  // The protocol definition goes here.

Custom types can then be declared to conform to one or more protocols (i.e. implement their set of requirements). Structs, classes and enumerations can conform to a protocol:

[struct|class|enum] Ember: Technique, AnotherProtocol {
  // The [struct|class|enum] definition goes here.

If the custom type is a subclass, its base class should be declared first:

class Trainer: PokemonLover, AnotherProtocol {
  // The class definition goes here.

A protocol can be declared conforming to one or more protocols as well:

protocol Technique: AnotherProtocol {
  // The protocol definition goes here.

It is possible to declare that the conforming type of a protocol must be class, by adding the keyword class to the list of protocol conformances:

protocol ReferenceTypeTechnique: class {
  // The protocol definition goes here.

A protocol can require its conforming types to implement a particular property, with a particular name type. It can also precise if that property should be at least read-only or settable as well.

protocol Technique {
  var name: String { get }
  var usedPowerPoints: Int { get set }

struct Ember: Technique {
  let name: String
  var usedPowerPoints: Int

Note that the property usedPowerPoints has to be declared a variable in Ember, because the protocol Technique states it should be settable. The property name on the other hand may be declared as a variable rather than a constant, because the protocol only states that is should be at least read-only.

Property conformance can also be achieved with computed properties, or with stored property observers:

enum Language {
  case english, french, german, japanese

let displayLanguage = Language.japanese

struct Ember: Technique {
  var name: Int {
    switch displayLanguage {
    case .japanese:
      return "ひのこ"
    case .french:
      return "Flammèche"
      return "Ember"

  var usedPowerPoints: Int {
    didSet {
      if self.usedPowerPoints < oldValue {
        print("\(oldValue - self.usedPowerPoints) power point(s) was(were) just used")

Properties can also be required to be implemented at the type level (i.e. statically):

protocol Technique {
  /* ... */

  static var maxPowerPoints: Int { get }

struct Ember: Technique {
  /* ... */

  static let maxPowerPoints: Int = 25

Note that the type property maxPowerPoints is defined for the Ember type only. Any other protocol that conforms to Technique will have to define its own maxPowerPoints property, and it will be unrelated from that of Ember.

A protocol can require its conforming types to implement a particular method, with a particular name and signature:

typealias Species = (number: Int, name: String)

struct Pokemon {
    let species: Species
    var level: Int
    var lostHealthPoints: Int

protocol Technique {
  /* ... */

  func perform(on defender: Pokemon) -> Pokemon

struct Ember {
  /* ... */

  func perform(on defender: Pokemon) -> Pokemon {
    return Pokemon(
      species: defender.species,
      level: defender.level,
      lostHealthPoints: defender.lostHealthPoints + 12)

If a method should be able to mutate its type, a protocol can mark it mutating. If it does, the mutable can be mutable or not. If it doesn’t, the method can’t be mutating:

protocol Technique {
  /* ... */

  mutating func perform(on defender: Pokemon) -> Pokemon

struct Ember {
  /* ... */

  mutating func perform(on defender: Pokemon) -> Pokemon {
    self.usedPowerPoints += 1
    return Pokemon(
      species: defender.species,
      level: defender.level,
      lostHealthPoints: defender.lostHealthPoints + 12)

note that the mutating keyword should not be prefixed in conforming classes.

Finally, a protocol can require its conforming types to implement a particular initializer:

protocol Technique {
  /* ... */

  init(usedPowerPoints: Int)

struct Ember {
  /* ... */

  init(usedPowerPoints: Int = 0) {
    self.usedPowerPoints = usedPowerPoints

Note that protocols don’t allow to define default arguments in intializer (or method) requirements. The conforming types however are free to do so.

If Ember was a class, it would treat the initializer requirement the same way as a required initializer it would have get from a base class. Hence, the keyword required must suffix the initializer declaration:

class Ember {
  /* ... */

  required init(usedPowerPoints: Int = 0) {
    self.usedPowerPoints = usedPowerPoints

Protocols as Types

Even if protocols don’t represent actual objects (or instances of), they can be used as a type in your code. The idea is similar as the use of a base class to denote any instance of its derived classes, as we’ve seen in Chapter 6: a protocol designates anything that can act as it’s specified:

struct Ember: Technique { /* ... */
struct Surf: Technique { /* ... */}

let techniques: [Technique] = [Ember(), Surf()]
// Prints "[Ember(usedPowerPoints: 0), Surf(name: "Surf", usedPowerPoints: 0)]"

Note that we are forced to explicit type the techniques array, because Swift’s type inference doesn’t search for matching protocols, only for concrete types. In fact, doing so could lead to ambiguities for types that would conform to multiple protocols. For instance, what should be the type of array in the following example?

protocol P1 {}
protocol P2 {}

struct S1: P1, P2 {}
struct S2: P1, P2 {}

let array = [S1(), S2()]

Self Requirements

One of the features that distinguish a protocol the most from what is generally understood as interfaces is their ability to refer to the type that conforms to it. This is called a self requirement:

protocol Technique {
  /* ... */

  static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

struct Ember: Technique {
  /* ... */

  static func == (lhs: Ember, rhs: Ember) -> Bool {
    return lhs.usedPowerPoints == rhs.usedPowerPoints

In the protocol definition, Self acts as a placeholder for the type that will conform to its requirements. As a result, the implementation of the == operator in Ember is typed (Ember, Ember) -> Bool, and not (Technique, Technique) -> Bool. Self requirements enable a finer grained specification of the protocol.

Actually, Swift already has an Equatable built-in protocol that acts exactly as the self requirement in the above example. All built-in types that are equatable respect this protocol, which allows to write things like 8 == 8. Remembering that protocols can be declared conforming to other protocols, The above example could be rewritten as the following:

// already defined in Swift:
// protocol Equatable {
//   static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
// }

protocol Technique: Equatable { /* ... */ }
struct Ember: Technique { /* ... */ }

Note that after adding a Self requirement to the Technique protocol, it is no longer possible to create an array of type [Technique]:

let techniques: [Technique] = [Ember(), Surf()]
// Error: Protocol 'Technique' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

It has been said in Chapter 1 that an “array is a collection of values of homogeneous type”. However, because of the self requirements, the Technique protocol doesn’t denote homogeneous types anymore, as its static method requirement == isn’t defined between different conforming types:

Ember() == Surf()
// Error: Type of expression is ambiguous without more context

Although a bit unclear, this error indicates that the compiler cannot find a way to apply == between an instance of Ember and an instance of Surf.

Associated Types

A protocol can also declares placeholders for the types it should be associated with. This is useful when the conforming type should have some kind of relationship with another type:

protocol Stack {
  associatedtype Element

  var head: Element? { get }

  init(_ initialValue: [Element])

  func pushing(_ element: Element) -> Self
  func popped() -> Self

struct ArrayBackedStack: Stack {
  typealias Element = Int

  var storage: [Element]

  var head: Element? {

  init(_ initialValue: [Element] = []) { = initialValue

  func pushing(_ element: Element) -> ArrayBackedStack {
    return ArrayBackedStack( + [element])

  func popped() -> ArrayBackedStack {
    return ArrayBackedStack(Array(

var stack = ArrayBackedStack([8, 3])
// Prints "8"

The Stack protocol defines an associated type Element, which acts as a placeholder for the properties and methods requirements. Conforming types can then specify which other type they’d like to use as the association. In the above example, ArrayBackedStack chooses Int as its associated type, by declaring a type alias.

This mechanism allows a certain degree of genericity. A protocol can design the requirements for an unlimited number of conforming types that would have the same form. Note also that as many associated types as needed can be declared. Later in this chapter, we’ll see how we can go even further into that direction.


Extensions allows to add functionalities (or conforming protocols) to existing types. As they are declared outside a type declaration, they don’t require to know anything more than the public interface of the type they extend. Extensions can:

  • add computed instance and type properties;
  • add instance and type methods;
  • provide new initializers; and
  • make existing types conform to a protocol.

Extensions are declared with the keyword extension, followed by the name of the type they extend:

typealias Species = (number: Int, name: String)

struct Pokemon { /* ... */ }

extension Pokemon {
  var description: String {
    return "a \( at level \(self.level)"

let sparky = Pokemon(species: (135, "Jolteon"), level: 31)
// Prints "a Jolteon at level 31"

Note that extensions can’t add stored instance properties, or add property observers to existing properties. Doing that would change the size of the extended type’s instances, which would introduce a host of issues regarding initialization, serialization or usability in general. If that feature is absolutely required, subclassing is the way to go.

Static properties are not concerned by this limitation, as they do not change the size of the type’s instances. They are stored ad-hoc fashion.

Extensions can also be defined on a protocol. Doing so extends all types that conform to the protocol:

extension Technique {
  var remainingPowerPoints: Int {
    return Self.maxPowerPoints - self.usedPowerPoints

let ember = Ember(usedPowerPoints: 7)
// Print "18"

Note that Self (with a capital letter) corresponds to the type of self. In other words, Self = type(of: self).

Protocol extensions can be used to give a default implementation to a protocol method requirement:

extension Technique {
  static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
    return lhs.usedPowerPoints == rhs.usedPowerPoints

struct Ember: Technique {
  /* ... */

  // Use the default implementation defined in the extension if not defined.
  // static func == (lhs: Ember, rhs: Ember) -> Bool {
  //   return lhs.usedPowerPoints == rhs.usedPowerPoints
  // }

Extensions only need to access the public interface of the type they extend. As a result, they can be defined on types that otherwise couldn’t be modified:

extension Int {
    subscript(digit n: Int) -> Int {
        if n == 0 {
            return self % 10
        return (self / 10)[digit: n - 1]

6485[digit: 1]
// Prints "8"

Protocols and Generics

We’ve already seen generic functions in action, in Chapter 3. Swift also allows to declare generic types, for which generic parameters apply to the whole type. Remembering our example of stack that illustrated associated types, earlier in this chapter, here is another way to implement a generic stack.

struct ArrayBackedStack<T> {
  var storage: [T]

  var head: T? {

  init(_ initialValue: [T] = []) { = initialValue

  func pushing(_ element: T) -> ArrayBackedStack {
    return ArrayBackedStack( + [element])

  func popped() -> ArrayBackedStack {
    return ArrayBackedStack(Array(

var stack = ArrayBackedStack([8, 3])
// Prints "8"

In the first example, initializing a stack with Double elements would have required to define a new kind of stack, whose associated type would have been set to Double. Now, it suffices to specialize ArrayBackedStack for any other type:

var stackOfDouble = ArrayBackedStack([8.3, 3.8])
// Prints "8.3"

But we lost protocol conformance. In the other previous case, ArrayBackedStack was conforming to Stack. While this had the advantage of better describing the role of the type, it also meant that ArrayBackedStack would have benefitted from all extensions that could be made to Stack. Thankfully, Swift allows for generic types to work with protocols as well:

struct ArrayBackedStack<T>: Stack { /* ... */ }

extension Stack {
  var elements: [Element] {
    if self.head == nil {
      return []
    return [self.head!] + self.popped().elements

print(ArrayBackedStack(["chu!", "Pika"]).elements.joined())
// Prints "Pikachu!"

Once again, ArrayBackedStack conforms to Stack, and hence benefits from its extensions. With the help of function signatures, the compiler was even able to infer that the associated type Element had to be mapped onto its the parameter T. Hence, it wasn’t required to add typealias Element = T in the type definition.

In all above examples, the compiler also inferred the type of the stacks, because of the type of the array they was given as argument. However, it is possible (and sometimes necessary) to declare explicitly how a generic type should be specialized:

let stackOfInts: ArrayBackedStack<Int>

It is possible to add type constraints on the generic parameters (note that this is also true for generic function):

struct ArrayBackedStack<T: Equatable> { /* ... */ }

let stackOfInts: ArrayBackedStack<Int>
let stackOfSpeciesTypes: ArrayBackedStack<SpeciesType>
// Error: Type 'SpeciesType' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'

Type constraints can even be much more complex. For instance, the following function accept any pair of type conforming to Stack, as long as are containers for the same elements, and that the type of these elements is equatable:

func == <S1: Stack, S2: Stack>(lhs: S1, rhs: S2) -> Bool
    where S1.Element == S2.Element, S1.Element: Equatable {
  guard let leftHead = lhs.head else {
    return rhs.head == nil
  guard let rightHead = rhs.head, leftHead == rightHead else {
    return false
  return lhs.popped() == rhs.popped()

print(ArrayBackedStack([1, 2]) == ArrayBackedStack([1, 2]))
// Prints "true"